Jehovah's Witnesses have Knowledge that Leads to Everlasting Life to offer. Malicious opposers have nothing to offer except what is good for tearing down. It doesn't take much to identify another person’s faults and tear him down with cutting remarks. Case in point; PlayStation salesman do not slander the executives of Microsoft in an effort to sell a game console. From my observation, opposers of Jehovah's Witnesses are bent on slandering members of the organization, primarily the Governing Body. Some malicious opposers (Jewish religious leaders) in Jesus day were rotten in their hearts right to their core, and Jesus knew it. All Jesus had to do was listen to their conniving antagonism to know they were ill willed. The same is true in the last days. There are apostate fighters of God that run rampant and speak twisted things.
Your first sentence here, any proof of that? Mind you, I'm not saying what they have determined that they fall in line with in the bible. I'm asking for concrete evidence that says that jws have such knowledge. So what do you think is going on when dubs say "This WICKED SYSTEM OF THINGS"? Are they talking about the ecosystem? Are they talking about the wicked System of a Down album? They are slandering the part of the human race that isn't jehovahs witness. To announce to the congregation that someone is disfellowshipped is a cutting remark as any if not moreso. I myself have been called a son of a b***h but that didn't make people stop talking to me, not even the one who called me that. This "being an aposate" comes from who? Don't get it twisted, dubs do their share of slandering too. This isn't conniving antagonism by the way, I'm just pointing out some errors in your post that you're passing off as fact.
I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves. Acts 20:29-30
*guitar rip, guitar rip, guitar rip* You take a mortal man, *guitar rip, guitar rip, guitar rip* and put him in control, *guitar rip, guitar rip, guitar rip* watch him become a god.......
All of the Watchtower Society's early literature is available in most Kingdom Hall libraries as critics of Jehovah's Witnesses will often zero in on the early development of the organization for any flaws without taking into consideration the environment that surrounded Charles Taze Russell and his contemporaries. There's no reason to speak to opposers for their take on the early development of the organization and certain other matters. I for one acknowledge any flaws myself. There are opposers like "Six Screens" that are obvious hate campaigns and use sensational propaganda against Jehovah's Witnesses.
ALL of the early literature is in MOST kingdom hall libraries...... Oh okay so you've been to most kingdom hall libraries then? Why isn't there a reason to speak about the early development? jehovahs witnesses speak about early developments all the time. Everytime that teen wants to go to a party. Everytime they hear something on the news where the bad stories are the bigger stories. Even selecting a job, yep you guessed it, early development in the form of going to the society's literature picking out stuff and to a smaller exent something that the bible said. The point here is, that god has to be unchanging. For him to 'inspire' the brothers to come up with literature that specifically supported "this GENERATION will by no means pass away until all these things occur" only to later say "OVERLAPPING GENERATIONS".....dude, it should've been overlapping from the very beginning considering it's source. It being changed tells me that it did not come from that source and I have every right to feel gypped and oppose j-dubs. What are the signs by the way? Earthquakes. So am I to take that if mankind somehow came together and believed in what the society was putting down that earthquakes would stop? Wars? What IS a war? Is it only defined by massive blooodshed? A war to me can be anything from Iraq to me playing a videogame. A war is a clashing of ideas and/or goals. Lovers of themselves/money rather than lovers of god? So we're just suppose to sit until that time comes. Don't make any progress at all and advance mankind some kinda way. Just sit. And maybe, just maybe, if we're such professional sitters, god will recognize us on that day. The same day that we don't have any concrete proof of because it hasn't happened yet. Religion is like this: You go to a train station and over to the tracks. Someone who's all dressed up as personnel is saying "Hey boss, teh train teh train!"You grab your bag and drop your iPod in the process. *fwoooshh* It's fine, a little ground dirt got on it. From your pov the train is coming, at least that's what you've told and you believe. You see an old guy on a bench waiting for the train too. You go over to him and ask how long he's been waiting. He camped out all night. Wow! That's commitment. "Teh train teh train!!" You look to see the railroad employee. You turn back to the old guy but.....he's gone. Maybe he went to pick up his luggage. Oh wait, there he is, looking into the station from outside through the window. It took a lot out of you getting to the station, you've been up since 4a.m. You put on your iPod and zzzZZZzzzzzzzzz
You awake to find it's morning. "You gotta be kidding, no train still?" you say to yourself. You watch a young guy come down the stairs and go over to the tracks. "Hey boss, teh train teh train!" "He's still saying that?" you think to yourself. What happens next hits you like a ton of bricks, the young guy grabbed his bag and dropped his iPod. Picks it up and blows dirt off of it. You watch in horror as the young guy turns, walks up to you and asks "How long have you been waiting." The old guy from before was you, and he wasn't looking into the station, he was looking at his reflection in the glass.